Page 2 - Grey Modern Photo Annual Report (29).pdf
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Founders Message

              We  are  extremely happy to  communicate with  you through the  annual report 2019-20 of
              department of Computer Science &  Engineering especially this  year there are  plethora of
              achievements. This academic year has been quite eventful for the institute as it received awards
              and recognitions which have given a great impetus to the institution and it strives to secure a
              place in the world rankings in the near future.

              It is heartening to note that in the Department of CSE this year several initiatives were taken
              strengthening the teaching learning process, expanding the research facilities and infrastructure.
              We are proud to note that the faculty members have strived hard to publish papers in SCI and
              Scopus indexed journals and also filed patents.  We also congratulate all the faculty and students
              who attained global recognition participating in events outside institute.

              It is noteworthy that the department has conducted many mega events comprising Technical Fest,
              Coding competitions, Hackathons and workshops. We are extremely happy to mention that the
              department strives  to  achieve the  objective of placing  all  eligible  students by  conducting
              programming training for skilling the students for placements.

              We wish all the best for the students who graduated this year, they should take a pledge to serve
              the society and nation and be instrumental in fluttering the flag of Alma Mater high.

              We appreciate the entire department staff and students who have toiled hard to bring success to
              the department and the institution. We believe this annual report will unfurl the entire events,
              achievements, accolades of the institution, staff and students.

              Col. Prof. Vel. Dr. R. Rangarajan                                Dr. Sagunthala Rangarajan
              B.E. (Elec), B.E. (Mech), M.S. (Auto), D.Sc                 MBBS
              Chancellor & Founder President                                 Foundress President
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